Karen's Directory Printer

the File Cataloging Utility for Windows

** Version 5.4.4 Released May 25, 2020 **

Karen's Directory Printer v5.4.4 screenshot

No more fumbling with My Computer or Windows Explorer, wishing you could print information about all your files. Karen's Directory Printer can print the name of every file on a drive, along with the file's size, date and time of last modification, and attributes (Read-Only, Hidden, System and Archive)! And now, the list of files can be sorted by name, size, date created, date last modified, or date of last access.

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File Version Released Size Hash
Karens-Directory-Printer-v5.4.4-Setup.exe New!
Download and run to install Directory Printer v5.4.4.
5.4.4May 25th, 20201773936 bytesMD5
VirusTotal Scan Results
Karens-Directory-Printer-v5.4.4-Src.exe New!
(programmers only) Install Source Code for Directory Printer v5.4.4
5.4.4May 25th, 2020310584 bytesMD5
VirusTotal Scan Results

File Version Released Size Hash
Download and run to install Directory Printer v5.4.3
5.4.3April 15th, 20191323600 bytesMD5
VirusTotal Scan Results
(programmers only) Install Source Code for Directory Printer v5.4.3
5.4.3April 15th, 2019305816 bytesMD5
VirusTotal Scan Results
Download and run to install Directory Printer v5.4.2
5.4.2November 15th, 20181321232 bytesMD5
VirusTotal Scan Results
(programmers only) Install Source Code for Directory Printer v5.4.2
5.4.2November 15th, 2018299720 bytesMD5
VirusTotal Scan Results
ptdirprn-setup.exe Legacy Version
Download and run to install Directory Printer v5.3.3
5.3.3November 6th, 20091295704 bytesMD5
ptdirprn-src.exe Legacy Version
(programmers only) Install Source Code for Directory Printer v5.3.3
5.3.3November 6th, 2009277800 bytesMD5
Download Visual Basic Runtime v6.0
You probably do not need to download this: Karen's Directory Printer installer will automatically download and run the Visual Basic Runtime installer, if necessary.
1028368 bytesMD5
VirusTotal Scan Results

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Known Problems

Enhancements/Bugs Fixed

Version 5.4.3 - Same Version, New Installer - August 22, 2019

  • Rebuilt the installer because installing "For All Users" was putting the shortcut menu on the user's own Start Menu and installing "For This User Only" was putting it on the shared Start Menu.

Version 5.4.3 [View Workboard]

  1. T35 Shell context menu "Print with DirPrn ..." now always shows up when checked in Other Settings. Also added context menu option to drive letters in addition to folders in Windows File Explorer.
  2. T69 Shell context menu "Print with DirPrn ..." now always goes away not checked in Other Settings.
  3. T86 Updated icon on the filter edit form window.
  4. T148 Added "Name without Extension" File Info field.
  5. T164 Removed the "Show ReadOnly Files" option. Now always shows files and folders with the read-only bit set in the file system. The read-only attribute on a folder means that File Explorer should pay attention to customizations configured by the user for that folder. So, any customized folder would not appear in the output if "Show ReadOnly Files" was not checked.
  6. T166 Now going directly to the Print tab when launched from the command line or through the File Explorer right-click content menu.

Version 5.4.2 [View Workboard]

  1. T88 Made more accessible by enabling tab stop on custom folder browser control. Verified to work better with screen text-to-speech readers.
  2. T85 Adjusted setup program because Run Directory Printer didn't work.

Version 5.4.1 [View Workboard]

  1. T77 Can now save File Filters and other settings on Windows 10 v1703 and hopefully other versions of Windows still sporting Microsoft's inheritable folder permissions that were preventing Karen's code from creating the "%LOCALAPPDATA\Karen's Power Tools\Directory Printer" folder.
  2. T71 Corrent "kB" to standard SI units (it's the KB on the 1024's that are wrong, but Microsoft uses KB to mean 1024 bytes, not kB).
  3. T78 Fix icon on Print dialog box.

Version 5.4 [View Workboard]

  1. T58 Can now sort file and folder names with numbers like Windows Explorer does.
    On the Other Settings tab, check the box:

    Explorer SortingClassic Sorting
    1. File1.txt
    2. File2.txt
    3. File3.txt
    4. File11.txt
    5. File22.txt
    1. File1.txt
    2. File11.txt
    3. File2.txt
    4. File22.txt
    5. File3.txt
  2. T45 Can now abbreviate file and folder sizes.
    On the Other Settings tab, select:

    • Option 1: All digits (Directory Printer classic)
      - the exact number of bytes
    • Option 2: 1 KB = 1024 B (Old School)
      - abbreviated to 3 or 4 characters
      - units KB, MB, GB, TB based on 1024 bytes per kilobyte
    • Option 3: 1 KB = 1024 B (Explorer-style in KB)
      - this is the format of the Windows 10 Explorer "Size" column
      - always in KB based on 1024 bytes per kilobyte
    • Option 4: 1 kB = 1000 B (Metric)
      - abbreviated to 3 or 4 characters
      - units KB, MB, GB, TB based on 1000 bytes per kilobyte
  3. T44 Better feedback when computing MD5, SHA-1, or other file hash values.
  4. T30 Checkbox Print Folder Footers label changed to Folder Total Footers.

Previous Versions

  • Version 5.3.3: Shared library code changed? (Karen compiled this version in November, 2009.)
  • Version 5.3.2: Allowed program to browse unlimited number of network providers, domains, servers and shares. Previously this had been limited to approximately 16 of each type of object.
  • Version 5.3.1: Fixed odd bug that prevented you from selecting a sub-folder of a folder found inside one of the "Special Folders" such as My Desktop.
  • Version 5.3.0: Added option to hide (not save or display) Hidden, System and/or Read-Only files and folders.
  • Version 5.2.9: Made another change that should fix the bug originally reported fixed in version 5.2.7.
  • Version 5.2.8: Improved handling of "remembered" UNC-style file names.
  • Version 5.2.7: Fixed bug that prevented proper sorting of files and folders by file size.
  • Version 5.2.6: Fixed bug that could cause program to crash if the last folder whose information was printed or saved doesn't exist when the program is restarted.
  • Version 5.2.5: Fixed bug that could cause the program to crash on computers with no available printers.
  • Version 5.2.4: Restored PTHash.dll file to installer, so program can once again compute and display MD5 and SHA-X hash values.
  • Version 5.2.3: Added warning message, when user attempts to print or save file information, with no file info items selected (ditto for printing/saving folder information with no folder info selected).
  • Version 5.2.2: Fixed bug that prevented program from displaying the settings folder, in the About window, when running under Windows 95, Windows 95 SE and Windows ME.
  • Version 5.2.1: Fixed bug that caused sorts by file creation date, date-last-modified and date-last-accessed to come out in the wrong order.
  • Version 5.2: Made several changes to make program compatible with Windows Vista. These include a new HTML-format help file, and changes to the location where settings are stored.
  • Version 5.1: Changed the "Tabbed Dialog" control to enable the program to work better with screen readers -- tools that help blind and vision-impaired users.
  • Version 5.0.3: Program no longer takes "Search Sub-Folders" save-to-disk setting quite so literally. Now, if you're saving folder info only, it will save information about those folders that reside in the selected folder, even though they are technically sub-folders.
  • Version 5.0.2: Program no longer takes "Search Sub-Folders" print setting quite so literally. Now, if you're printing folder info only, it will print information about those folders that reside in the selected folder, even though they are technically sub-folders.
  • Version 5.0.1: Fixed bug that prevented you from changing the order in which Folder information would print.
  • Version 5.0: Program can now compute SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 hashes of each file, in addition to the SHA-1 and MD5 hashes available previously. You can now select what folder information will be printed or saved, and the order in which it will appear.
  • Version 4.3: Sped up program loading. However, the program no longer displays selected folder's statistics when the folder's on-screen entry is expanded. You must now click the folder's on-screen name to see the additional information (file counts, total file sizes, etc.) Note: This only affects what you see on-screen. The information printed, and saved to disk, is unchanged.
  • Version 4.2.2: Added workaround for files with invalid Creation/Last Access/Last Modified dates. Add font selection option to new Printer dialog (and as a result, removed the Select Font button from the program's main window).
  • Version 4.2.1: Fixed bug that prevented program from operating correctly when launched from the "Print with DirPrn" context menu. Also improved support for printing network folders from the context menu.
  • Version 4.2: Added two options when saving folder information to a disk file: Suppress/omit COMMENT lines, and suppress/omit FILE and FOLDER IDs from other lines. Also added new setting on "Other Settings" tab that orders the program to stop remembering your other settings between runs.
  • Version 4.1.4: Worked around bug that caused "Invalid Key" error when run under some editions of Windows (French?). Sped up initial load of program.
  • Version 4.1.3: Fixed bug that prevented printing in selected font color. Made more changes to support for non-default printers.
  • Version 4.1.2: Improved support for non-Default printers.
  • Version 4.1.1: Added section to Help file documenting the new Printer Settings dialog.
  • Version 4.1: Changed the way the program asks for printer settings, to (hopefully) work around a bug that prevented some users from printing.
  • Version 4.0.2: Eliminated a spurious error message that appeared when selecting "Print with DirPrn ..." from the folder right-click context menu.
  • Version 4.0.1: Fixed bug that caused program to fail with "Error 438" on some systems.
  • Version 4.0: Add many new features. You can now control the order in which information is printed or saved. Also added option to print a file's SHA1 hash (in addition to the previous option to print MD5 hashes). In addition to a file's size, you can now print the amount of disk space a file uses (taking into account Windows' disk compression feature).
  • Version 3.4: Added option to print MD5 Hash of each file. Also added Printer Setup button, allowing user to select printer, and paper orientation.
  • Version 3.3.3: Fixed bug that prevented program from saving to disk files whose names contained more than one period (".").
  • Version 3.3: Added support for file filters, only printing information about certain types of files.
  • Version 3.2: Can now sort by file type (extension). This version also adds sorting capabilities to reports saved to disk.
  • Version 3.1: Can now sort by date created.
  • Version 3.0: Can sort lists of files by name, size, date last modified, and date of last access.
  • Version 2.10: Can report file sizes greater than 2 GB. You can also now stop the program while it is printing or saving information to disk.
  • Version 2.9: Can add "Print with DirPrn" to the context menus that appear when right-clicking a folder or drive's icon. It can also record the date/time a file was created and modified, whether printing the report, or saving it to disk.
  • Version 2.8: Optionally prints the number of files found in each directory, and the total size of those files. It also expands the list of potentially "unsafe" files, originally added in version 2.7.
  • Version 2.7: Optionally highlights the names of other potentially "unsafe" files.
  • Version 2.6: Optionally highlights the names of executable files.
  • Version 2.5: Aligns the columns of printed reports.
  • Version 2.4: Displays the login name of the current user, and the name of the computer preparing each report, in the heading area of each printed page. It also makes the Save to Disk option more visible by adding a "Save To Disk" button on the program's main window.
  • Version 2.3: Can print information to a disk file, in addition to creating printed lists of file information.
  • Version 2.0: Was ported to VB 6.0. Hopefully, this will fix problems with earlier versions of Visual Basic which caused programs to sometimes forget the selected printer font, and revert to the default font of the printer.
  • Version 2.0: The program has been enhanced to print file attributes (Read-Only, Hidden, System and Archive). The program also remembers the last screen location of its main window, and the most recently-selected printer font, and automatically restores this information the next time it is executed.
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